C360 Immersive solutions

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C360 integrates realtime positional data from league partners to automatically pan/tilt/zoom its video feeds for visual tracking of players, pucks, or balls with Auto-ISO™. C360 provides SDI or HEVC outputs for Live and Time Machine Replays both locally or in the cloud.
The power of Auto-ISO™ is immense. It provides independent ISO cams for every player, every play, and every second during live sports production. Auto-ISO™ embeds the data where operators can quickly call up captured action for immediate replay output. In addition, Auto-ISO™ can be used to auto-generate replay highlights for any player or series of plays for social platforms along with betting platforms from any game using C360 technology. Equally as powerful, Auto-ISO™ provides live 1:1 Fan controlled OTT streams where individual users can select any player, puck, or ball to visually follow in realtime.
C360 Immersive cameras shown mounted on the glass during NHL games. C360 cameras capture wide-angle views that are fed into the C360 immersive system for realtime manipulation and output.
C360 Immersive cameras shown mounted on the glass during NHL games. C360 cameras capture wide-angle views that are fed into the C360 immersive system for realtime manipulation and output.
Visually Track Every Player and Official in Every Game
In addition to the many broadcast production and OTT benefits of Auto-ISO™, C360 provides league level tools for specific departmental uses. From operations and player safety to enhanced officiating tools and fan engagement plus many others. Auto-ISO™ provides leagues both live and archived video with constant and accurate accounts of what is happening or what has happened throughout every game.
Pylon views  from various NFL  and NCAA Games
Watch examples of C360 Pylon views from various NFL and NCAA Games.